Karuna Reiki®

These classes are for anyone who had Reiki Master or Reiki Teacher training for at least six months. The system has two levels, four attunements each level, that is eight treatment symbols in total and there are four master symbols to make you Master and Teacher. This system has been taught since 1994 by William Rand the founder of Karuna Reiki® who is also the founder of the “International Center for Reiki Training”. Barbara was taught by William Rand in Glastonbury and Stonehenge, England, and your certificate will be signed by William Rand and Barbara Carlton.

Karuna Reiki® has been found to be very effective and powerful. Most students find it more powerful than Usui Reiki! The energy has a more definite feeling to it. It works on the emotional and spiritual levels and also can help one become more grounded. Those who receive the attunements report experiences with their guides, angels, and higher self and feel the healing presence of other enlightened beings.

Karuna level I, the first symbol prepares the client for deep healing and is useful with past life issues. It helps release karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level. The second symbol heals deeply and can be used to breakup the negative patterns we unconsciously use to insulate ourselves from the truth, thus shattering delusion and denial. It heals the shadow self. The third symbol fills the person with love and restores balance. The fourth symbol completes the treatment by bringing the client back into the body and grounding. Karuna level II symbols are of a higher vibration and more powerful. They help connect directly with the Higher Self and work on a deeper level. While they have specific purposes discussed in class, the experience of their energy allows intuitive guidance in their use. Both levels of Karuna Reiki®, its symbols and attunements will be given as appropriate for the class level as well as instruction and practice on the use of them. You will be able to use these tools for healing.

You can take Karuna Reiki®, level 1 and level 2 (practitioner levels) if you have been a Reiki Master for 6 month. To continue to Karuna Reiki® Master and Teacher you must be a Reiki Master and Teacher RMT.

Come network with other Reiki Masters. This is an exciting workshop with lots of dedicated, high energy people. A certificate and a 45 page manual is included with in depth descriptions of each symbol and each attunement process. Your certificate will be signed by William Rand and Barbara Carlton. You will also be offered the opportunity to become a “Registered Karuna Reiki® Master” with “The International Center for Reiki Training”. You will then be able to use their manuals, your students certificates will also come from ICRT signed by William Rand and yourself.

The Karuna treatment symbols are very effective and very useful to Reiki Practitioners. As many Masters and Teachers do not give as many treatments as Reiki Practitioners do, we offer Karuna Reiki®, both Practitioner levels, to Reiki Masters to empower their healings.

The Center recommends taking the Reiki Master class and all its material first to enable you to become this Master and Healer. The Reiki Teacher class concentrates on how and what to teach and how to attune. When the time is right for you, you can add the Teacher level and also add the Karuna Reiki® Master/ Teacher class. If you would like more information on this process, please contact us to explain in more detail.


Karuna Reiki ® – Level 1

1 day class


KARUNA REIKI® gives you 4 symbols for level I and 4 symbols for level II, 8 symbols in total. These symbols are a tool for Reiki practitioners to use for healing specific areas in a persons life. They are a very powerful extra, on top of the symbols you already have.

After experimenting with Karuna Reiki and teaching this system for over 13 years The International Center for Reiki Training as well as myself and many others have found it to be very effective and powerful. In fact, most students find it more powerful than Usui Reiki! The energy has a more definite feeling to it and heals more quickly and on a deeper level. It works on the emotional and spiritual levels and also can help one become more grounded. Those who receive the attunements report experiences with their guides, angels, and higher self and feel the healing presence of other enlightened beings.

A brief description of the four Karuna Reiki® I symbols is given here:

  • The first symbol prepares the client for deep healing and is useful with past life issues. It helps release karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level.
  • The second symbol heals deeply and can be used to breakup the negative patterns we unconsciously use to insulate ourselves from the truth, thus shattering delusion and denial. It heals the shadow self.
  • The third symbol fills the person with love and restores balance
  • The fourth symbol completes the treatment by bringing the client back into the body and grounding.


Receive attunement, manual, certificate and handouts.  Prerequisite:  Reiki Usui Master or Teacher training.

Karuna Reiki ® – Level 2

1 day class
This class is the next step after Karuna Reiki level I. The Karuna II symbols have a higher vibration. They help connect directly with the Higher Self and work on a deeper level. While they have specific purposes discussed in class, experiencing of their energy allows intuitive guidance in their use.

  • The fifth symbol heals the mind and links you with your Higher Self. Heals communication, increases creativity, and improves learning ability.
  • The sixth symbol is used for physical manifestation and healing the human race. Grounding, manifesting, goals, creates priorities.
  • The seventh symbol works well to heal addictions. Claiming your power, healing co-dependence, heals reality and awareness, empowers your goals, helps heal the earth.
  • The eighth symbol brings harmony and realization to ones goals making them seem effortless. Heals insomnia, increases clairvoyance, heals fear and panic, brings peace and trust in life, manifests the best results.

Become competent how to include Karuna Reiki into Reiki treatments or use mainly Karuna Reiki®.


Receive attunement, manual, certificate and handouts.  Prerequisite: Karuna Reiki® level 1.

Karuna Reiki ® – Level 3 Master/Teacher

1 day class
Come network with other Reiki Masters from all over the country! This is an exciting workshop with lots of dedicated, high energy people. A certificate and a 45 page manual is included with in depth descriptions of each symbol and each attunement process.

You will also be offered the opportunity to become a “Registered Karuna Reiki® Master” with The International Center for Reiki Training. You will then be able to use our manuals and your students certificates will come from the Center.

Karuna Reiki® Master Training Class Outline:

  • Smudging
  • Opening meditation or prayer
  • Discuss the FREE Registered Karuna Reiki® Program and have students fill out forms
  • Become competent how to include Karuna Reiki into Reiki treatments or use mainly Karuna Reiki®
  • Discuss Karuna Reiki Master symbols
  • Discuss and demonstrate Violet Breath and have students practice.
  • Demonstrate Karuna Reiki master level 1 attunement and have students practice
  • Demonstrate another Karuna Reiki attunement and have students practice
  • Discuss the difference between the practitioner and master attunement
  • Describe and practice chanting with two to four students at each table (treatments are 5-10 minutes each)
  • Describe and demonstrate toning and have student practice if time allows
  • Have students fill out the class review form and hand it in


Receive attunement, manual, certificate and handouts. Prerequisite: Karuna Reiki® level 2.