In 2008 Barbara became qualified as Certified ‘Advanced Healer in Energy Therapies’ with Kathie Greene, Tonawanda. It entails many extra classes on top of Reiki. So many years later and after so many enquiries Barbara has decided to offer an “Advanced Healer in Energy class” Barbara is a Reiki Master and Teacher, teaching since 2003.
For anyone with Reiki 2 or level 2 of any other energy modality…
Take all of the following certification topics:
- Healing Through Chakra Balancing $95
- Crystal Healer Certification – Level 1 $95
- Crystal Healer Certification – Level 2 $95
- Sound Healing – 1 (Solfeggio Tuning Forks) $95
- Sound Healing – 2 (Solfeggio Tuning Forks) $95
And add 6 class topics selected from below ($40 each)
to achieve “Certified Advanced Healer in Energy Therapies”
1. Creative Visualization Energy And How We Create Everything In Our Life.
Have you heard the saying that you are what you think? Your mind is absolutely powerful and truly amazing. Come and learn how to have the life you really deserve. You see what your thoughts are doing and how to Really become the Creator of your Life.
2. Spiritual Clearing and the Importance of Protecting Yourself
Many different symptoms can indicate negative and dark psychic energies, spirits or entities. Symptoms can also indicate types of health problems and it’s important to investigate all possibilities..Ways to protect yourself.
3. Learn To Forgive And Let Go Of Guilt
Guilt is probably one of the most debilitating and negative emotions there is one that can, and often does, destroy a person’s life. But if we want to live happy lives, we need to deal with the consequences of our past actions and move on, rather than allowing our lives to be wracked with guilt. Here we will learn techniques to completely release the past and forgive are you ready?
4. Past Lives And Their Influence
Why is it important to know about your past lives? By knowing about our past lives we can see an overall pattern and learn quickly what the lesson is and then begin to work on it. The reason that many of us are having a hard time right now is that the lesson has not been learned. This is the lifetime that we and planet earth ascend, so it is imperative that we learn our lesson.
5. Colors And Their Healing Properties
This class will explain the colors: their meanings, properties, and how to use them in every day ways. What it means when you see them in an aura of a healing session, or just when you are drawn to the same colors. How do these colors relate to what is happening around you and what the colors mean in relation to the chakras.
6. Healing Symbols, the Power Of Healing Symbols. (Must Be A Reiki Ii Healer And Over)
In this regression we will go back in time to a time where you were stopped in some way from being your very best or you abused the power that you did have¦. Whatever the reason let’s find out what is stopping you NOW. Let’s move forward again!
7. Learn To Cut Cords And Exchange Your Soul Fragments.
Cords are the ties that we have to each person in our lives. We must be free of cords or ties so that we can truly love unconditionally. Each time you share with someone in a meaningful relationship you exchange fragments of yourself. Those need to be returned to the rightful owner. This is important work that needs to be done now so that we can move forward to our life of joy and bliss and love and light.
8. Pendulum Healing Techniques Simple And Fast That Really Work
Bring your own pendulum or there will be some for you to purchase. Learn these very important but extremely simple ways; to clear yourself and others, test what is happening in and out of your body, what your body needs, remove unwanted energy and put in the energy that you do want, create an aura of prosperity, relationships, career, It is up to you what do you want?
9. Your Angels, Guides, and Masters meditation
You will have a chance to meet and talk to your guides or angels or whomever it is that you truly need to connect to in this wonderful meditation. You will learn how to use this special place mediation for many more reasons.
10. Meditation
Learn about meditation and its benefits and how to meditate and get yourself into the habit of meditating. Stilling the Mind’s Chatter, Finding a Path to Tranquility, Letting Go of Stress and Relax. Meditation is now recognized by the Medical profession as aiding wellness. We will learn how to meditate to live a happier and more balanced life.
Class topics are $25 each ($120 for 6 if paid in advance). Classes open to anyone regardless of your Reiki level.