Hi Barbara                                                               Nov 1 2016

It was so wonderful to see you again.  Saturday’s Chakra Balancing class was amazing.

Hope to see you again soon- as I’m interested in some of the topics you teach and also the reiki support group / healing circle.

Thanks again!     Noelle Carvotta


I cannot thank you enough Barbara,

I remember my first encounter with Reiki had all the trappings of New Age “get wholly-holy fast” affair: it was a free event offered to all members of NY Health & Racquet Club. It was held in a near by hotel room, which offered splendid view of Manhattan, horrible smell of the new carpet, and really bad coffee. However, as we were given our first Reiki mini-session, something in me clicked. I, an active “small business owner” realized, that my success and happiness is not going to be achieved solely by diet, exercise plan, and good fortunes of the stock market. A subtle energy was awakened in me which needed to be nourished and cultivated.

As I signed up for my Reiki I class, and heard all the wonder stories of the Reiki powers, I thought it a bit far fetched –  but then I thought, if half of it was true, it would still be great ! I persevered, at my own pace, became a Reiki Master (under Barbara Carlton), and yes, my life changed very much. I am now in the peculiar position of telling people how my life changed, how I meet now the right people, at the right time, and how my life is finally, after 53 years taking on a desirable shape.

And just for fun, here is what one can “Reiki for”: finding a parking space, making the subway train come, finding a new house in the country, finding a fabulous contractor who will take care of all remodeling, finding lost objects, choosing the right people to talk to at a gathering, having the guts to change, quit, or start anything, and finally, and most importantly, finding what one really wants. The list is longer, but since you are having already a difficult time believing me, I will not continue. See for yourself….

Hugs, Love, and Laughs, yours


Note:  Kristina is now a Reiki Master and Teacher.




Hi Barbara,

I want to thank you for attuning me to Reiki I.  I think as with many things I do in life, I was not positive that I could actually do Reiki.  I know you said that we have it once attuned and the more we use it the more aware of it we’ll be.  So I have been doing daily Reiki

I believe I have been using it quite successfully on myself as I have a better outlook on things and am getting a lot accomplished. And if at the end of the day, when there are still 5 hours to go and I am falling asleep standing, all I have to do is a Reiki treatment and I am wide awake and ready for the last five hours.  I have tried it on my husband, but as with all alternative medicine I think he is a bit skeptical, although he has asked me twice to take the time to do Reiki on him…so we are getting somewhere.  I have successfully used it on my dog at the vet-actually.  He almost put her to sleep in the exam room (she normally is shaking profusely and trying to dig her way out the door).  The vet was even amazed at her demeanor for her surgery…..and I must say she doesn’t chase the vacuum cleaner anymore when I clean the house.  My plants also look the best they have and I can’t tell you how long…so I know I have it and I can use it.

Sometimes though with new things, I am nervous to put them to use, afraid of failure I believe.  Probably one of the biggest impediments in my life paths-afraid to do what I know I am good at, or could be good at, or denying my heart at the last minute…as I can always find an excuse…..but I am sticking to this as I feel it is right.

I would like very much to participate this week at the Reiki support group

Hope you are doing well!

Patti Glover




I teach a small meditation class and have devoted my life towards my spiritual growth, expansion, introspection, and connecting to the divinity within myself and seeing it in everyone around me as well (my background is from India, I was born and raised here but my spiritual roots are strong to the traditions of back home in Vedic philosophy and traditions).  Back in August I was opened up to Reiki I by Reverend Barbara Carlton.  It was a moving, emotional and spiritually uplifting experience, following that Reiki II in September which was even more powerful.

Reiki opened up my spiritual side in a way I did not know possible.  It deepened my meditation, my aura was strengthened and I felt like something changed within me.  Since then, very positive changes have happened in my life, spiritually.  I feel this is so because of the depth behind who Barbara is as a person and spiritually.  She is a compassion, kind, and giving soul. She has a vast knowledge of the history of Reiki, what it is and a deep respect for the Masters that became before us, her dedication to spreading Reiki and helping others to understand it and opening them to it is amazing.

She has given me the tools to help others in a way I did not know was possible, when I am directly practicing Reiki or through distance Reiki.  We all need to heal on some level and to be able to spread that healing energy to the people around me I have Barbara to thank for that.  I looked up other Master Teachers in the area, but I trusted in the powers that be to take me to right Teacher and they did, I couldn’t have asked for a better Teacher to bring me into the world of Healing.  She emanates it. I look forward to learning more from her along my journey.

-Sandeep (Sonia) Chadha




Shingles is not an uncommon malady caused by a latent viral infection (similar to the chickenpox virus varicella zoster, then herpes zoster) that often resides in peripheral nerves. The symptoms during a flare-up can be debilitating, usually with severe pain and skin rashes. Allopathy is still working to find an effective treatment and cure. Having suffered with shingles for over a year, I was certainly willing to entertain alternative methods of treatment. Hell, I would have tried almost anything. I am, by nature, a skeptical person who doesn’t trust much of what has been tagged as “new age” (you know… crystals, harmonic convergence and the like).

I was treated by Reiki only twice in a period of 4 days and my symptoms waned to nothing. I have been symptom-free for over 18 months. Even a skeptic such as myself cannot dismiss these results! I don’t pretend to understand how Reiki works ( yes, I’m familiar with the descriptions of Universal Life Force), but it occurs to me that understanding, while comforting, should not be an absolute prerequisite for acknowledging a phenomenon.

About a year after my “cure”, I decided to undertake my first Reiki initiation because I love animals and I wanted to be closer to them and to be able to offer help when they are hurting (especially the animals with whom I share my life and home). I’m still very much in the practice/learning stage of my Reiki journey, but I have been able to witness the effectiveness of Reiki in treating disseminated arthritis in Frankie, one of our much-loved dachshunds. He was being treated with prednisone (a powerful anti-inflammatory drug…a steroid) which was very effective in relieving his most severe symptoms. I knew that I wanted to wean him off this medication, though, because of its nasty long-term side effects. I also knew that there was a good chance that his symptoms might reoccur upon stopping the prednisone. Accordingly, I started giving him Reiki daily for short periods of time (he didn’t seem to like any more than about 7 minutes per session). It’s now been over two weeks since he’s been off the prednisone and he is still pain-free. I realize that only a short period of time has elapsed since he’s been off prednisone, but I’m very encouraged by the initial response and am hopeful that continued Reiki therapy will keep him feeling great!

Becoming involved more with Reiki as a practitioner has yielded so many personal benefits that it is almost embarrassing to enumerate them all. Suffice it to say that my life has taken a more positive direction and I’m very excited about what the future may hold.

Bob Clark
Rochester, NY




Dear Barbara

Reiki has been an incredible, ongoing journey!!!!  I have to say that I did not search out Reiki, but rather it found me.  Since being given the gift of Reiki, not only has it had a profound effect on my life, but also I’ve been able to affect other people’s lives.

One person in particular is a respiratory tech who works here with me at Strong Memorial Hospital.  After hearing me talk about Reiki, he asked if I could work with him.  I couldn’t wait!!!!  I’ve been giving Mark Reiki twice a week for about 2 months.  He is off of Prozac and celebrex.  His whole demeanor

has changed.  He has told me that  “Reiki has changed just about everything in his life for the better!”

I’ve also let it be known that I would like to start a Reiki circle here at Strong.   It looks as though this will also be happening.

I hope to continue to grow with Reiki and my beautiful Reiki teacher.  There are no works that can describe the absolute utter joy that fills my heart everyday, since you touched me with the gift of Reiki.

Rosetta Mundt




Hi Barbara,

I wanted to share with you that I did Reiki on my baby.  He was a preemie born Jan 2, due to my severe pre eclampsia.  He had 2 grade 3 brain bleeds & hydrocephalus among other brain issues.

They wanted to put in a shunt, I asked them to wait & give me time to pray & do Reiki.

I am happy to say the bleeds have resolved themselves & the fluid in his brain is doing what it is supposed to do and no shunt needed.

You are welcome to share my story with others 🙂

I am so thankful for Reiki.
